Toronto Ibogaine Centre


Alcohol Rehabilitation Toronto, Alcohol And Drug Rehabilitation by Ibogaine in Canada, Addiction Recovery in Toronto

Ibogaine is a naturally occurring psychoactive compound found in Tabernanthe Iboga. Ibogaine-containing preparations are used in medicinal and ritual purposes within African spiritual traditions of the Bwiti. The Bwiti use the hallucinogenic root bark to induce a spiritual enlightenment, stabilize the community and family structure, meet religious requirements and to solve problems of a spiritual and/or medical nature. Iboga has been used for thousands of years as part of a coming of age ceremony and other initiation rites. The plant produces complex visions which offer insights into ones personal life and provides revelations of metaphysical nature.
In the early 1960s, Ibogaine was accidentally discovered to cause sudden and complete interruption to heroin withdrawal. Since that time, it has been the subject of countless scientific investigations into its abilities to interrupt addiction to heroin, alcohol, and other destructive drugs. Many people report that ibogaine’s psychoactive properties help elucidate the psychological issues and behavioural patterns that drive the addiction into existence.

1 comment:

  1. Where is this treatment centre located in Toronto Ontario Canada
