Toronto Ibogaine Centre Reviews

Drug abuse treatment | Alcohol rehabilitation | Addiction rehab

It is EXTREMEELY important to recognize that ibogaine interrupts drug addiction, it does not cure drug addiction! After an ibogaine treatment you will be forced to face “reality” and deal with life’s challenges, which without the intake of your drug of choice, will most likely cause you to become stressed, may generate anxiety and eventually might become a BIG excuse to relapse. There are no excuses for a relapse. Its either you want to stay clean or you don’t. Its either you are ready or not. Every person who we treated knew damn well before going through the treatment if they were TRULLY ready to quit, or they still had that thought of that one time hit.
And then there are those individuals who FINALLY realized they had enough of being enslaved to a substance that takes full control over their life, a substance that sucks out every ounce of feeling and emotion out of their bodies, shatters their ambition to pieces, and kills their human potential until one day they wake up and realize that their drug of choice has become their “ God”.
If you are one of those individuals who think you can use your drug of choice recreationally after an ibogaine treatment, then you are completely mistaken, and clearly have not done enough research on ibogaine and its metabolite effects. When you are REALLY ready to quit it’s like a light bulb that switches on and that inner voice inside you suddenly has full recognition of what being enslaved actually means. When you reach that satori stage, you FINALY understand it’s time to stop and you will do anything and everything to stay clean!
Ibogaine is a sacred, miraculous plant that works WONDERS when it comes to interrupting addiction and helping break any destructive patterns(whatever they might be, but especially opiate habits). It is unquestionably the best tool available right now for the most painless opiate withdrawal. With the administration of the first dose of ibogaine your habit is essentially gone. You are mainly opiate free. However you can’t EXPECT to recover a 100% the next day. Since you have been poisoning your body for a significant length of time, it will still take time for your body to fully recover. Reasonably speaking ibogaine takes away 90-100% of physical withdrawals depending on the severity of your addiction and the length of use. It is comparable to by passing the first week of going through the most horrible withdrawals. Ibogaine is a catalyst for change, it offers a window of opportunity to set your life straight. It takes away the painful withdrawals which we know is only half of the battle on the road to recovery, but what a big battle to overcome to those of us who know what REAL dope sickness is like. One of our clients who has been an opiate addict for about twenty years put it this way ”to me an ibogaine treatment is like starting at week six of a rehab, which is one hell of a good start”. Before undergoing an ibogaine treatment you must have a REALISTIC plan set out of what you are going to change once you return home. Since we are all unique in our own way, there is not a single formula that works for everybody, however exercise is definitely of primary importance after getting of drugs, since it naturally releases endorphins levels, and you sweat all that toxic waste that has been accumulated in your body throughout all those years of using. If you don’t have any plans set out before an ibogaine treatment then there is a huge chance of relapsing. Try AA, NA, therapists, counsellors, psychologists, anything, everything. Even if you have done it before you never know what results it might produce this time. The recovery stage can be compared to going to war and fighting for your life. If you are fighting for your life you will use every weapon available to you to stay alive. Have you used every weapon available out there? In our opinion, by treating many clients and speaking from personal experience, the booster doses are a MUST to stay clean and maintain the nor-ibogaine metabolite in your liver. Please refer to the “after care” and the “ibogaine in the 21st century” section for more information on booster doses and what SIGNIFICANT role they play to stay clean, the role they play to keep the mind focused and help eliminate cravings.
We find that most people who go through the ibogaine treatment have too many expectations. Instead of having all of these expectations of re-living their past trauma or talking to their dead relatives we always suggest people come with an INTENT. That intent should be to finally get clean and stay clean. All Information on the internet about ibogaine is definitely real, ibogaine is not a scam, it offers exactly what it promises, which is a fresh perspective on life, a return of your inner strength and ambition and most importantly the most painless detox you could ever imagine. After treating many people we find that if there are any complaints after the treatment, as far as residual withdrawals are concerned they are always the same. Number one complaint is the leg cramps. It is a different RLS symptom that would occur if you would detox cold turkey, however from our experience we find that about 50% of our clients experience it. We have various medications on hand to help ease the discomfort. Also we can tell with ABSOLUTE certainty that from those 50% of people that complain about the leg cramps, at least 30% of them, the symptoms they exhibit are definitely psychosomatic. Ibogaine is a strong stimulant and even when you take ibogaine for psycho-spiritual reasons most people still experience the restlessness in the legs. The only other complaint is insomnia. Unfortunately insomnia is synonymous with quitting opiate use so there is only so much we can do. We have various medications to help with residual withdrawal and insomnia so you will be sleeping at least 6-8 hours at night.
We at the Toronto Ibogaine Centre only guarantee you one thing- the most painless detox you will ever go through. The fact is, and most providers won’t even mention it, but some people don’t experience that cloud nine feeling after the initial flood dose. Not everybody gets the “ego death” visions, and in fact there are some people who don’t get any visions at all, however that is very rare (5% in our cases), and there are some clients who don’t receive any of the anti-depressant effects (less than 5% in our cases). But EVERY SINGLE PERSON after the treatment gets a chance to start their life again. Their physical habit is totally gone. Ibogaine is basically a jump start, it’s a quickest way to begin living your life again. Every individual after an ibogaine treatment has a choice to go back to their old lifestyle or move forward, whereas before the ibogaine treatment that choice was nonexistent since the physical addiction over rode any other need. And that’s just telling it as it is.


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